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Bohemian writer from Prague (1883–1924)

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Czech archivist, poet, ethnographer, librettist, publicist, lawyer, translator and writer

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Czech poet, literature reviewer, art collector, writer and art reviewer

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Czech poet, bookwriter and writer (1859-1926)

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Czech poet, playwright, bookwriter and historic literature writer (1841-1901)

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lékař, prozaik, dramatik, básník, redaktor, literární, divadelní a umělecký kritik

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Czech editor, translator and writer (1886-1961)

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Narozen 28. 12. 1871 v Kamenici nad Lipou, zemřel 27. 1. 1959 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor, redaktor Národních listů, beletrista, publicista.

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Czech playwright, publicist and writer (1903-1993)

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Narozen 3.12.1876 v Praze, zemřel 11.11.1956 tamtéž. Redaktor, prozaik, autor skautské literatury.

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Narozen 7.1.1908 v Hořátvi u Nymburka, zemřel 25.9.1992 v Praze. PhDr., nakladatelský redaktor, básník, prozaik, literární kritik, autor(...)

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Czech theater reviewer, playwright, librarian, publicist, writer and art reviewer (1852-1917)

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Czech publicist, translator and writer

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