Czech essayist, literature historian, literature reviewer, professor, publicist, writer, university educator and science writer (1880-1939)
More about...Polish poet, diplomat, prosaist, writer, and translator. Nobel Prize winner (1911-2004)
More about...Czech essayist, philosopher, literature historian, literary critic, professor and translator
More about...Czech anthropologist, literature historian, literature reviewer, professor and university educator
More about...Narozen 2. 5. 1965 v Praze. PhDr., Ph.D., literární kritik a historik, editor literárních děl, autor komentářů, doslovů, rejstříků a(...)
More about...Narozen 20.1.1942 v Plzni. PhDr., literární historik, vlastivědné práce, zejména z Plzeňska.
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