![no cover found](https://literarybibliography.eu/themes/default/images/no_cover.png)
- Format:
Journal article
- Language:
- Form / Genre:
- In:
Čas Roč. 8, 1894, č. 20, 19. 5., s. 308-309; č. 25, 23. 6., s. 390
- Referred work:
- Časopis Matice moravské
- Filologické listy
- Čas
- Subject persons:
- Král, Josef, 1853-1917
- Zola, Émile, 1840-1902
- Subjects:
- Annotation:
Obsah: Časopis Matice moravské na r. 1894 (2. sešit); závažná stať je věnována Ottovu slovníku naučnému; Filologické listy 1894 (seš. 1 a 2) uvádějí stať: Král Josef, Počátky českého básnictví; v č. 25 listu Čas zajímavá glosa z Lumíru z 10. 6. o moderní zpěvohře a jejím libretu, jak to vidí: Zola Émile.
LEADER | 01458nab a22003854a 4500 | ||
001 | 001666919 | ||
003 | CZ\PrUCL | ||
005 | 20220818104457.0 | ||
008 | 001024e18940519xr\\\\\\\\\\\\|||\||cze\d | ||
FMT | \ | \ | |
035 | \ | \ | |a (ISIS-RET-MFN)86837 |
035 | \ | \ | |a (ISIS-RET-ID)86837 |
040 | \ | \ | |a ABB060 |b cze |
080 | \ | \ | |a (047) |2 MRF |
245 | |a Obzor. | ||
500 | \ | \ | |a Nepodepsáno. |
520 | 2 | \ | |a Obsah: Časopis Matice moravské na r. 1894 (2. sešit); závažná stať je věnována Ottovu slovníku naučnému; Filologické listy 1894 (seš. 1 a 2) uvádějí stať: Král Josef, Počátky českého básnictví; v č. 25 listu Čas zajímavá glosa z Lumíru z 10. 6. o moderní zpěvohře a jejím libretu, jak to vidí: Zola Émile. |
599 | \ | \ | |a CLB-CPK |
600 | 1 | 7 | |a Král, Josef, |d 1853-1917 |7 jk01062774 |2 czenas |
600 | 1 | 7 | |a Zola, Émile, |d 1840-1902 |7 jn19990009450 |2 czenas |
650 | |a literární časopisy |7 ph122407 |2 czenas | ||
655 | \ | 7 | |a zprávy |7 fd133875 |2 czenas |
773 | |t Čas |g Roč. 8, 1894, č. 20, 19. 5., s. 308-309; č. 25, 23. 6., s. 390 |q 8:20<308 |9 18940519 | ||
787 | |t Časopis Matice moravské |4 YYY | ||
787 | |t Filologické listy |4 YYY | ||
787 | |t Čas |4 YYY | ||
964 | \ | \ | |a 02.11.01 |
964 | \ | \ | |a RET |
OWN | \ | \ | |a UCLA |
CAT | \ | \ | |c 20170107 |l KNA01 |h 1426 |
CAT | \ | \ | |a BATCH-UPD |b 00 |c 20220228 |l KNA01 |h 2111 |
CAT | \ | \ | |a UCLRE |b 50 |c 20220818 |l KNA01 |h 1044 |
SIF | \ | \ | |a ek |
910 | \ | \ | |a ABB060 |
ZAZ | \ | \ | |d 18940519 |s 8 |z 20 |l 308 |
stdClass Object ( [LEADER] => 01458nab a22003854a 4500 [001] => Array ( [0] => 001666919 ) [003] => Array ( [0] => CZ\PrUCL ) [005] => Array ( [0] => 20220818104457.0 ) [008] => Array ( [0] => 001024e18940519xr\\\\\\\\\\\\|||\||cze\d ) [FMT] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( ) ) ) [035] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => (ISIS-RET-MFN)86837 ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => (ISIS-RET-ID)86837 ) ) ) [040] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => ABB060 [b] => cze ) ) ) [080] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => (047) [2] => MRF ) ) ) [245] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => 0 [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => Obzor. ) ) ) [500] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => Nepodepsáno. ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 2 [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => Obsah: Časopis Matice moravské na r. 1894 (2. sešit); závažná stať je věnována Ottovu slovníku naučnému; Filologické listy 1894 (seš. 1 a 2) uvádějí stať: Král Josef, Počátky českého básnictví; v č. 25 listu Čas zajímavá glosa z Lumíru z 10. 6. o moderní zpěvohře a jejím libretu, jak to vidí: Zola Émile. ) ) ) [599] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => CLB-CPK ) ) ) [600] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 1 [ind2] => 7 [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => Král, Josef, [d] => 1853-1917 [7] => jk01062774 [2] => czenas ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 1 [ind2] => 7 [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => Zola, Émile, [d] => 1840-1902 [7] => jn19990009450 [2] => czenas ) ) ) [650] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => 7 [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => literární časopisy [7] => ph122407 [2] => czenas ) ) ) [655] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => 7 [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => zprávy [7] => fd133875 [2] => czenas ) ) ) [773] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [t] => Čas [g] => Roč. 8, 1894, č. 20, 19. 5., s. 308-309; č. 25, 23. 6., s. 390 [q] => 8:20<308 [9] => 18940519 ) ) ) [787] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => 8 [code] => stdClass Object ( [t] => Časopis Matice moravské [4] => YYY ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => 8 [code] => stdClass Object ( [t] => Filologické listy [4] => YYY ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => 0 [ind2] => 8 [code] => stdClass Object ( [t] => Čas [4] => YYY ) ) ) [964] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => 02.11.01 ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => RET ) ) ) [OWN] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => UCLA ) ) ) [CAT] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [c] => 20170107 [l] => KNA01 [h] => 1426 ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => BATCH-UPD [b] => 00 [c] => 20220228 [l] => KNA01 [h] => 2111 ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => UCLRE [b] => 50 [c] => 20220818 [l] => KNA01 [h] => 1044 ) ) ) [SIF] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => ek ) ) ) [910] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [a] => ABB060 ) ) ) [ZAZ] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ind1] => \ [ind2] => \ [code] => stdClass Object ( [d] => 18940519 [s] => 8 [z] => 20 [l] => 308 ) ) ) )
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