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[G. B. Shaw, který je abstinentem...].

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    Journal article
    Form / Genre:
    Nedělní New Yorské listy (New York-Perth Amboy) Roč. 54, 1948, č. 21, 16. 5., Part Two, s. 8
    Subject persons:
    1. Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950

      We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

    2. Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906

      We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

    3. Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827

      We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

    4. Kean, Edmund, 1787-1833

      We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:


    Glosa o vyjádření G. B. Shawa na téma vztahu spisovatelů k alkoholu.

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