Joitakin englanninkielisen maailman kirjallisia huijauksia.
- Main Author:
- Format:
Journal article
- Language:
- In:
Nuori voima : kulttuuriharrastajain lehti. - ISSN 0785-6776. - Helsinki : Nuoren voiman liitto. - 2006 : 1, s. 22-23
- Subject persons:
- Black, Dorothy. Letters of an Indian judge to an English gentlewoman.
- Bowers, Neal.
- Darville, Helen. The hand that signed the paper.
- Forrest Carter. The education of Little Tree.
- Forward, Toby. Down the road, worlds away.
- Irving, Clifford.
- Jones, David.
- Llewellyn, Richard. How green was my valley.
- Subjects: