The collected poems. 1931-1987
- Statement of Responsibility:
Czesław Miłosz.
- Main Author:
- Other Authors:
Brooks, David
(1953- )
- Carpenter, John Translator
Darowski, Jan
- Davis, Laurence Translator
- Gorczyńska, Renata Translator
- Hass, Robert Translator
Lourie, Richard
(1940- )
- Miłosz, Anthony Translator
Miłosz, Czesław
- Nathan, Leonard Translator
- Pinsky, Robert Translator
- Scott, Dale Translator
Vallee, Lillian
Brooks, David
(1953- )
- Format:
- Language:
- Subjects:
- Annotation:
Cz. Miłosz: [wstęp]. * A poem on frozen time. * Three winters: The song. The gates of the Arsenal. Hymn. Dawns. Slow river. Statue of couple. * Rescue: Ballad of Levallois. Encounter. A book in the ruins. Day of generation.Campo del Fiori. The world: The road. The gate. The porch. The dining room. The stairs. Pictures. Father in the library. Father's incantations. From the Window. Father explains. A parable of the Poppy. By the peonies.Faith. Hope. Love. The excursion to the forest. The Bird Kingdom. Fear. Recovery. The sun. - [Voices of poor people: A song on the end of the world. Song of a citizen. The poor poet. Cafe. A poor Christian looks at the ghetto. Outskirts. - Songs of Adrian Zieliński. Farewell. Flight. In Warsaw. Dedication. 8 Daylight: Song of porcelain. Child of Europe. Mid-twentieth-century portrait. A nation. Birth. A family. Ocean. The journey. The spirit of the laws. A legend. Earth. You who wronged. Mittelbergheim. * Treatisse on poetry [fragm.]. * King Popiel and other poems: King Popiel. Magpiety. Lessons. No ,ore. Ode to a bird. Happiness. What once was great. Should, should not. What does it mean. Heraclitus. Greek portrait. The master. A frivolous conversation. In Milan. From the Chronicle of the town Pornic: Bluebeard's castle. The owners. Vandeans. Our lady of recovery. - Far West. Throughout aur lands. * Bobo's metamorphosis: It was winter. Bobo's metamorphosis. River grow small. Whey will place there telescreens. On the other side. And the city stood in its brightness. Those corridors. Three talks on civilisation. Sentences. I sleep a lot. Dithiramb. * City without a name: The year. City without a name. When the moon. Veni creator. Window. With trumpets and zithers. How it was. On the road. Witheness. Thesis and counter-thesis. Counsels. Incantation. Ars Poetica? Higher arguments in favor of discipline derived from the speech before the council of the Universal State in 2068. My faithful mother Tongue. * Uncollected poems: Esse. A mistake. How ugly. To Robinson Jeffers. To Raja Rao. * From the rising of the sun: A task. An hour. A story. Oeconomia divina. Tidings. L'Acceleration de l'histoire. Elegy for N.N. An appeal. Calling to order. Not this way. So little. On angels. Seasons. Gift. From the rising of the sun: I. The unveiling. II. Diary of a naturalist. III. Lauda. IV. Over cities. V. A short recess. VI. The accuser. VII. Bells in winter. * Hymn of the pearl: A magic mountain. The view. Study of loneliness. A felicitous life. The fall. Temptation. Secretaries. Proof. Amazement. Idea. Filina. Reading the Japanese poet Issa (1762-1826). Notes. Before majesty. A poetic state. Distance. When after a long life. On pilgrimage. Early morning. A portal. The separate notebooks[fragm.] Bypassing Rue Decartes. Account. Rivers. * Unattainable earth: The garden of earthly delights. After paradise. The hooks of a corset. Annalena. Yellow bicycle. Into the tree. One more day. Winter. A boy. In Salem. 1913. At down. At noon. Return to Kraków in 1880. The city. Preparation. "With not-quite truth..." Consciousness. On prayer. Father Ch., many ywars later. Initiation. Elegy for Y.Z. Anka. Theodicy. Table I. Table II. My-ness. Thankfulness. Poet at seventy. To find my home... * New poems: A portrait with a cat. Mary Magdalen and I. A skull. In a jar. All hallows' Eve. This only. A confession. For Jan Lebenstein. With her. Old woman. How it should be in heaven. Caffe Greco. And yet the books. On parting with my wife, Janina. Powers. La Belle Epoque. The trans-siberian railway. Beyond the Urals. First performance. The northern route. Revolutionaries. A Parisian Scene. The Titanic. - Fear-Dream (1918). In a buggy at dusk. 1945. Six lectures in verse. - [Tłumacze:] D. Brooks, J. Carpenter, J. Darowski, L. Davis, R. Gorczytńska, R. Hass, R. Lourie, A. Miłosz, Cz. Miłosz, L. Nathan, R. Pinsky, D. Scott, L. Vallee.
Polish poet, diplomat, prosaist, writer, and translator. Nobel Prize winner (1911-2004)
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