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Drawings of Bruno Schulz. From the collection of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature

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    Statement of Responsibility:
    [no author].
    Main Author:
    Schulz, Bruno (1892-1942) Author
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    [Katalog wystawy rysunków Bogusława Schulza, Jerozolima, zima 1990, Israel Museum; zawiera teksty:] Yona Fischer: Bruno schulz at the Israel Museum. - Janusz Odrowąż-Pieniążek: Introduction. - Jerzy Ficowski: Bruno Schulz and his drawings. Tł. Małgorzata Stafiej. - Nella Cassouto:"She walked up to father with a smile and flipped him on the nose" (Schulz and the war of the sexes). Tł. Vivianne Barsky. - Catalogue [wykaz prac eksponowanych]. - [Nella Cassouto] N.C.: Bruno Schulz - life and work. Tł. Felice Kahn Zisken. - [Teksty Bruno Schulza:] From "The age of genius." Tł. Celina Wienieska. Druga jesień [fragm.; reprod. rkpsu]. - [Nadto liczne reprod. rysunków Bruno Schulza i fot. pisarza]

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