El amor por la vida o la muerte por la comunidad: la φιλοψυχία en Grecia clásica

- Statement of Responsibility:
Arteaga Conde, Evelia
- Main Author:
- Format:
Journal article
- Language:
Spanish; Castilian
- Form / Genre:
text (article)
- Published:
- In:
Fortunatae: Revista canaria de Filología ISSN 1131-6810 Nº 35, 1, 2022, pags. 31-52
- Subjects:
- Annotation:
Although apparently Tyrtaeus was the first Greek author to use the term φιλοψυχία, it was not until the Classical Age that it appeared again, scarcely, though; it can be found specifically inEuripides,Herodotus,afew of the orators, andPlato.This concepthad anegative connotation, which is why, as opposed to 'love for life' (etymological meaning) it could actually be translated into 'emotional attachment to life'. Such use seems peculiar given the pleasure for living this society held and used to express in their everyday actions, such as their feasts. This text will analyze the use of this term within its particular context to understand that dismissive use and, at the same time, go deeper into how fundamental community life used to be, when compared to the mere personal existence in this Greek age