Los textos latinos en la Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad (2004-2020): análisis y propuesta didáctica sobre el léxico

- Statement of Responsibility:
Garzón Fontalvo, Eveling
- Main Author:
- Format:
Journal article
- Language:
Spanish; Castilian
- Form / Genre:
text (article)
- Published:
- In:
Fortunatae: Revista canaria de Filología ISSN 1131-6810 Nº 35, 1, 2022, pags. 75-97
- Subjects:
- Annotation:
Lexicon plays a key role in learning any natural language and, certainly, Latin is no exception in this matter. From a practical perspective, a proof of this statement is its presence in the official Spanish Bachillerato curriculum and its relevance regarding the Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad (University Entrance Exam, abbreviated in Spanish as EvAU). Considering this, the aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it seeks to analyse, in terms of frequency, the vocabulary of the texts proposed for the Latin II EvAU exam in the Community of Madrid, between 2004 and 2020. On the other hand, once the most frequent words have been identified, it aims to offer several activities based on «lexical constellations» strategy with the purpose of acquiring and consolidating this vocabulary in Latin class.