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La figura del Duque de Borbón en la Comedia del Saco de Roma de Juan de la Cueva: historia y drama

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    Statement of Responsibility:
    Vián Herrero, Ana
    Main Author:
    Vián Herrero, Ana

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    Journal article
    Spanish; Castilian
    Form / Genre:
    text (article)
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2010
    Studia Aurea: Revista de Literatura Española y Teoría Literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro ISSN 1988-1088 Nº. 4, 201024 pags.

    The figure of the Duke of Bourbon in the Comedia del saco de Roma by Juan de la Cueva: history and drama Concentrating on the characterisation of the Duke of Bourbon in the Comedia del saco de Roma of Juan de la Cueva, this analysis focuses on the dramatic and political intentions of the author that become apparent when the play is compared with the historical events. The significance of Cueva�s motives in reviving this historical event in the political context of 1580 is also examined.

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