The hypertextual mode of Marina Warner's "The Leto bundle"
Franková, Milada
(1946- )
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. Nr 42 (2004), s. 41-47
Published: 2004.
Journal article
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. Nr 42 (2004), s. 41-47
Published: 2004.
Journal article
Marina Warner : mythology, fairy tale and realism
Franková, Milada
(1946- )
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. Nr 50 (2012), s. 37-46
Published: 2012.
Journal article
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. Nr 50 (2012), s. 37-46
Published: 2012.
Journal article
The heirlooms and burdens of Marina Warner
Sikorska, Liliana
(1966- )
In: Of what is past, or passing, or to come : travelling in time and space in literature in English. s. 11-21
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
In: Of what is past, or passing, or to come : travelling in time and space in literature in English. s. 11-21
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
Self-fashioning as an identity-shaping process in Marina(...)
Burzyńska, Katarzyna
In: Of what is past, or passing, or to come : travelling in time and space in literature in English. s. 77-92
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
In: Of what is past, or passing, or to come : travelling in time and space in literature in English. s. 77-92
Published: 2014.
Book chapter