Writing the road : on drifting and travelling-seeing in Kenneth White's geopoetics
Kocot, Monika
(1979- )
In: Anglica : studies in English and American literature. ISSN 0860-5734. [T.] 29, [nr] 3 (2020), s. 45-62
Published: 2020.
Journal article
In: Anglica : studies in English and American literature. ISSN 0860-5734. [T.] 29, [nr] 3 (2020), s. 45-62
Published: 2020.
Journal article

Kenneth White's north travelling
Kocot, Monika
(1979- )
In: W drodze : perspektywy badawcze, s. 107-125
Published: 2019.
Book chapter
In: W drodze : perspektywy badawcze, s. 107-125
Published: 2019.
Book chapter