Quid Isocrates de bene sua gerentis virtute exculta iudicaverit
Danek, Zbigniew
(1956- )
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319. [Vol.] 16 (2013), s. 73-78
Published: 2013.
Journal article
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319. [Vol.] 16 (2013), s. 73-78
Published: 2013.
Journal article

Lucjusz Anneusz Seneka : niewdzięczny syn ziemi hiszpańskiej = Lucius Annaeus Seneca : ungreatful son of the Spanish land
Danek, Zbigniew
(1956- )
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319 [T.] 25 (2022), s. 5-11
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319 [T.] 25 (2022), s. 5-11
Published: 2022.
Book chapter

Redness as perceived through the eyes of the romans
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319 [T.] 24 (2021), s. 87-100
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

Rozumne zachowania zwierząt w relacji Marka Tulliusza Cycerona = Rational behaviour of animals as a according to Marcus Tullius Cicero
Danek, Zbigniew
(1956- )
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319. [T.] 20 (2017), s. 53-62
Published: 2017.
Journal article
In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319. [T.] 20 (2017), s. 53-62
Published: 2017.
Journal article