Prywatne życia, publiczne przedstawienia : proza Grahama Swifta
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Topos : miesięcznik o sztuce i ekologii. ISSN 1230-8943. R. 20, nr 1/2 (2013), s. 42-46
Published: 2013.
Journal article
In: Topos : miesięcznik o sztuce i ekologii. ISSN 1230-8943. R. 20, nr 1/2 (2013), s. 42-46
Published: 2013.
Journal article

Nad zatoką
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Tekstualia : palimpsesty literackie, artystyczne, naukowe. ISSN 1734-6029. 2016, nr 3, s. 165-168
Published: 2016.
Journal article
In: Tekstualia : palimpsesty literackie, artystyczne, naukowe. ISSN 1734-6029. 2016, nr 3, s. 165-168
Published: 2016.
Journal article

Przynajmniej bi- : migracje, maski i język w filmach Billy'ego Wildera "Double Indemnity", "Sabrina" i "The Apartment"
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Tekstualia : palimpsesty literackie, artystyczne, naukowe. ISSN 1734-6029. 2016, nr 3, s. 191-203
Published: 2016.
Journal article
In: Tekstualia : palimpsesty literackie, artystyczne, naukowe. ISSN 1734-6029. 2016, nr 3, s. 191-203
Published: 2016.
Journal article

"...sometimes I'd see a boat": Harold Pinter's "Celebration" - memory, identity and immigration
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Studies in English Drama and Poetry. ISSN 1898-5114 Vol. 1 (2007), s. 201-207
Published: 2007.
Journal article
In: Studies in English Drama and Poetry. ISSN 1898-5114 Vol. 1 (2007), s. 201-207
Published: 2007.
Journal article

Wszyscy odeszli
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Topos. ISSN 1230-8943. R. 17, nr 5 (2010), s. 128-129
Published: 2010.
Journal article
In: Topos. ISSN 1230-8943. R. 17, nr 5 (2010), s. 128-129
Published: 2010.
Journal article

The presence of the past in the poetry of Seamus Heaney
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Beyond Philology : an international journal of linguistics, literary studies and English language teaching. ISSN 1230-6185. [Nr] 4 (2007), s. 141-155
Published: 2007.
Journal article
In: Beyond Philology : an international journal of linguistics, literary studies and English language teaching. ISSN 1230-6185. [Nr] 4 (2007), s. 141-155
Published: 2007.
Journal article

The man who could make things happen
Malcolm, David
(1952- )
In: Between cultures, between languages : essays in honour of Professor Aniela Korzeniowska s. 311-320
Published: 2020.
Book chapter
In: Between cultures, between languages : essays in honour of Professor Aniela Korzeniowska s. 311-320
Published: 2020.
Book chapter