Christian messianism and patriotism in the works of Uchimura Kanzō and Andrzej Towiański
Kozyra, Agnieszka
(1963- )
In: Language and literary traditions of Japan : collection of papers to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Japanese studies at the Jagiellonian University (1989-2012). s. 61-74
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
In: Language and literary traditions of Japan : collection of papers to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Japanese studies at the Jagiellonian University (1989-2012). s. 61-74
Published: 2014.
Book chapter

Posłowie: Uchimura Kanzo a nowożytna literatura japońska

W poszukiwaniu tożsamości "japońskiego chrześcijanina" - twórczość Uchimury Kanzo