Iris Murdoch The novelist as philosopher the philosopher as novelist ; "The Unicorn" as a philosophical novel

Figures of madness in Saul Bellow's longer fiction

Writers, literature and censorship in Poland, 1948-1958

Through their eyes marginality in the works of Elena Poniatowska, Silvia Molina and Rosa Nissán

D.H. Lawrence and the Great War the quest for cultural regeneration

From eternity to time : conceptions of time in Daniel Defoe's novels

The fiction of J.M.G. Le Clézio : a postcolonial redding

Disenchanted Europeans : Polish émigré writers from "Kultura" and the postwar reformulations of the West
Mikołajewski, Łukasz
(1982- )
Published: Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Wien : Peter Lang, 2018.
Published: Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Wien : Peter Lang, 2018.

Jewish Warsaw - Jewish Berlin : literary portrayal of the city in the first half of the 20th century

Between history and fiction : the Early Modern Spanish siege play