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Stilističeskie tropy kak sredstvo âzykovoj manipulâcii : (na primere ukrainskogo konflikta)

by: Zaâc', Ol'ga Autor

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In: Studia Slavica. ISSN 1803-5663. [Nr] 20, z. 2 (2016), s. 113-121
Published: 2016.
Journal article
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Metapoètičeskij diskurs v tvorčestve Timura Kibirova

by: Zaârnaâ, Irina Sergeevna (1964- )

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In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 23 (2015), s. 89-96
Published: 2015.
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Massmedijnyj diskurs v intermedial'nyh hudožestvennyh proektah Timura Kibirova

by: Zaârnaâ, Irina Sergeevna (1964- ) Autor

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In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 28 (2020), s. 111-120
Published: 2020.
Book chapter
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Tvorčestvo Evgeniâ Zamâtina i avangard : dialektika pritâženiâ i ottalkivaniâ

by: Zaârnaâ, Irina Sergeevna (1964- ) Autor

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In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 26 (2018), s. 59-67
Published: 2018.
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Tipy èkfrastičnosti v tvorčestve obèriutov

by: Zaârnaâ, Irina Sergeevna (1964- ) Autor

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In: Teoriâ i istoriâ èkfrasisa : itogi i perspektivy izučeniâ s. 397-412
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
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Russkie v Kitae : opyt oshoda i diasporizacii

by: Zabiâko, Andrej Pavlovič (1961- ) Autor

In: Studia i Szkice Slawistyczne : literatura, kultura, język. ISSN 1644-4191. Nr 13 (2016), s. 123-131
Published: 2016.
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Literatura dal'nevostočnogo zarubež'â kak istočnik rekonstrukcii frontirnoj mental'nosti russkih èmigrantov

by: Zabiâko, Anna Anatol'evna Autor

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In: Studia i Szkice Slawistyczne : literatura, kultura, język. ISSN 1644-4191. Nr 13 (2016), s. 109-122
Published: 2016.
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Dva služebnika iz cerkvi Svâtogo Duha v Minske iz fondov Nacional'noj biblioteki Ukrainy imeni V. I. Vernadskogo

by: Zabolotna, Natalìâ Valentinìvna Autor

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In: Matèryâly XIV Mìžnarodnyh knìgaznaŭčyh čytannâŭ, prymerkavanyh da 400-goddzâ peršaga "Bukvara" : Mìnsk, 26-27 krasavìka 2018 g., s. 160-163
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
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Kategorìâ stanu (voice) ì sintaksičnij proces : (na materìalì sučasnoï anglìj̕skoï movi).

by: Žaborûk, Olena Anatolìïvna (1949- )

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In: Linguodidactica. ISSN 1731-6332. T. 9 (2005), s. 241-251
Published: 2005.
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F. M. Dostoevskij istorik "novogo" detstva

by: Zabukovec, Urša (1980- ) Autor

In: Rosyjskie dzieciństwo = Russkoe detstvo. s. 241-251
Published: 2015.
Book chapter
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Češkaâ dolâ : illûziii real'nosti (polemika Milana Kundery i Vaclava Gavela)

by: Zadorožnûk, Èlla Grigor'evna

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In: Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne. ISSN 2084-3011. Nr 6 (2014), s. 261-275
Published: 2014.
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Mark Slonim - publicist i veduščij kritik žurnala "Volja Rossii"

by: Zadražilová, Miluše, 1937-2012 Author

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In: Rossica ISSN 1211-7234 Roč. 2, 1997, č. 1, s. 53-76
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Pereosmyslââ funkcii pressy : kak processy indigenizacii rekonfiguriruût istoriû russkoj literatury i žurnalistiki

by: Zagidullina, Marina Viktorovna (1965- ) Autor

In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. 2016, nr 3, s. 11-20
Published: 2016.
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Izobraženie vs. tekst v sovremennoj kommunikacii : sintaksičeskij sahar v obmen na "lajki"

by: Zagidullina, Marina Viktorovna (1965- ) Autor

In: Rusistika i sovremennost' s. 241-250
Published: 2017.
Book chapter
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Funkcional'naâ paradigma predloga

by: Zagnìtko, Anatolìj Panasovič Recenzja

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In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X 2021, nr 1, s. 244-251
Published: 2021.
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Planeta Zemlâ : poèziâ

by: Zagorska, Alisa S. Autor

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Published: [Kraków] : Ridero, 2021.
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Šekspir v tvorčeskoj èvolûcii Puškina

by: Zaharov, Nikolai.

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Published: Jyväskylä : Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2003.
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Poetika esee Mihaila Epštejna : (filosofskij aspekt žanrovoj formy)

by: Zaharova, Elizaveta Autor

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 15 (2022), s. 283-294
Published: 2022.
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Roždestvenskij i pashal'nyj sûžety v maloj proze Nadeždy Gorodeckoj

by: Zaharova, Viktoriâ Trofimovna Autor

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In: Roczniki Humanistyczne. ISSN 0035-7707 T. 70, z. 7 (2022), s. 101-111
Published: 2022.
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Duhovno-nravstvennye cennosti sem'i v povesti Pantelejmona Romanova "Detstvo" : (v kontekste literaturno-hudožestvennoj i filosofskoj mysli russkogo Zarubežš)

by: Zaharova, Viktoriâ Trofimovna

We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 23 (2015), s. 125-133
Published: 2015.
Journal article

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