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Sacyâľna-palìtyčnyâ ŭmovy razvìccâ gìstaryčnaj navukì ì gìstaryčnaj aduka̕cyì ŭ Belarusì ŭ 60-â - p.p. 70-h gg. XX ct.

by: Macûš, Pavel Arkadzevìč (1980- )

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In: Sprawy Wschodnie. ISSN 1644-0390 2005, z. 1, s. 53-58
Published: 2005.
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Antybaľšavìckìâ dy antyìmpèrskìâ ìdèì na staronkah belaruskaga èmìgracyjnaga časopìsa "Ruh"

by: Barszczewski, Aleksander (1930-2022)

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In: Roczniki Humanistyczne. ISSN 0035-7707. T. 53, z. 7 (2005), s. 27-42
Published: 2006.
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Rusyfìkacyjnyâ pracèsy ŭ Belarusì ŭ acèncy Stanìslava Stankevìča

by: Barszczewska, Nina (1956- )

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In: Roczniki Humanistyczne. ISSN 0035-7707. T. 53, z. 7 (2005), s. 137-152
Published: 2006.
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Novaâ Zèlândyâ ŭ a̕svâtle̕nnì "Našaj Nìvy" za 1907 god

by: Bird, Thomas.

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. T. 6 (2007), s. 67-71
Published: 2007.
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Pakručasty lës čalaveka na kryžovyh darogah gìstoryì : (Aŭgen Kalubovìč "Na kryžovaj daroze")

by: Dèmânûk, Anna.

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. [T.] 7 (2007), s. 72-78
Published: 2007.
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Poľskaâ prablematyka na staronkah "Našaj Nìvy" ŭ pèryâd pèdaktarstva Ânki Kupaly

by: Bird, Thomas E.

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In: Studia Białorutenistyczne. ISSN 1898-0457. [T.] 1 (2007), s. 173-178
Published: 2007.
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Stanovìšča belaruskae movy ŭ pèryâd Vâlìkaga Knâstva Lìtoŭskaga (u a̕svâtle̕nnì časopìsa "Lìtva")

by: Barszczewska, Nina (1956- )

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In: Studia Białorutenistyczne. ISSN 1898-0457. [T.] 1 (2007), s. 291-299
Published: 2007.
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Uladzìmìr Samojla ŭ nâmeckìm druku (1927-1935): prablematyka ì žanravaâ specyfìka publìkacyâŭ

by: Garbiński, Jerzy

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. [T.] 8 (2008), s. 72-83
Published: 2008.
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Žanravaâ specyfìka apovescì "Pakuty Xrysta"

by: Gaľgo, Natallâ.

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. [T.] 8 (2008), s. 93-97
Published: 2008.
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Da pytannâ movy garadskìh belaruskìh hronìk

by: Maroz, Valâncìna Kanstancìnaŭna (1955- )

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. [T.] 8 (2008), s. 218-230
Published: 2008.
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Nekatoryâ aspèkty mâscovaj ìdènìtyčnascì ǔ belaruskìh hronìkah XVII-XVIII stst

by: Niadbaj, Taciana (1982- )

In: Roczniki Humanistyczne. ISSN 0035-7707. T. 56, z. 7 (2008), s. 83-95
Published: 2008.
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Stasunkì pamìž žyharamì mâstèčak Belarusì ì saveckaj uladaj u 1918-1928 gg.

by: Zamojskij, Andrej Stepanovič

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In: Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne. ISSN 1232-7468. Z. 29 (2008), s. 91-114
Published: 2008.
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Poglâd belaruskaj èmìgracyì na rolû rodnae movy ŭ stanaŭlennì nacyânal'nae toesnascì

by: Barszczewska, Nina (1956- )

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. T. 10 (2010), s. 264-291
Published: 2010.
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Vobrazy macì ì bacʹkì ǔ belaruskìh ì ǔkraìnskìh kalyhankah

by: Darafejčuk, Ìryna Ìvanaǔna (1969- )

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. T. 11 (2011), s. 51-67
Published: 2011.
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Zbornìk "Rymskìâ dzeì"ŭ čèšskìm, pol'skìm ì belaruskìm perekladah XV-XVII stst : ("Gìstoryâ pra Apalona Cìrskaga")

by: Brazgunow, Aleś (1972- )

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In: Studia Białorutenistyczne. ISSN 1898-0457. [T.] 5 (2011), s. 181-188
Published: 2011.
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Prablemy nacyânalʹnaj ìdèntyčnascì ǔ publìcystycy Vaclava Lastoǔskaga

by: Mel'nìkava, Anžèla Mìkalaeŭna (1969- )

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In: Acta Albaruthenica. ISSN 1898-8091. T. 12 (2012), s. 75-87
Published: 2012.
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Prablemy belaruskaǔ lìngvìstyžnaj térmìnalogìì ì pytanne suadnosnascì klûčavyh sloǔ (lìngvìstyžnyh térmìnaǔ) u iSybislaw

by: Volkava, Âŭgenìâ Vìtal'eŭna

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In: Slavia Orientalis. ISSN 0037-6744. R. 62, nr 2 (2013), s. 285-292
Published: 2013.
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Zapazyčannì z polʹskaj movy âk leksìčny kampanent varyântnaj pary = Zapożyczenia polskie jako komponenty ciągu wariantów leksykalnych = Loan-words from polish language as a component of(...)

by: Marozava, Anastasìâ Andrèeŭna

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In: Studia Białorutenistyczne. ISSN 1898-0457. T. 9 (2015), s. 315-327
Published: 2015.
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Partyzanskaâ tèma ŭ apovestì "Puščanskaâ adyseâ" Alâkseâ Karpûka

by: Sakowicz, Anna (filolog)

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In: Acta Polono-Ruthenica. ISSN 1427-549X. T. 20 (2015), s. 121-134
Published: 2015.
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Dynamìka lahavìckaga maëntku XVI st.

by: Bulaty, Pavel Ûr’evìč Autor

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In: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni. ISSN 2543-618X. T. 1 (2016), s. 93-100
Published: 2016.
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