Adaptations of roman plots in John Dennis's tragedies
Poljakov, Oleg
(1952- )
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 265-272
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 265-272
Published: 2018.
Book chapter

Jonathan Edwards, John Dennis, and the religious sublime : a consideration of edwardsean terror
Svetlikova, Anna
In: New perspectives in English and American studies. Vol. 1, Literature s. 323-336
Published: 2019.
Book chapter
In: New perspectives in English and American studies. Vol. 1, Literature s. 323-336
Published: 2019.
Book chapter