Charos psychopompos? : tracing the continuity of the idea of a Ferryman of the Dead in Greek culture
Bzinkowski, Michał, 1975
In: Studies of Greek and Roman culture, s. 17-33
Published: 2009.
Book chapter
In: Studies of Greek and Roman culture, s. 17-33
Published: 2009.
Book chapter

Ajschylos w twórczości Jorgosa Seferisa
Bzinkowski, Michał, 1975
In: Studia Graeco-Latina. ISSN 0860-8873 [T.] 5 (2007), s. 35-45
Published: 2007.
Journal article
In: Studia Graeco-Latina. ISSN 0860-8873 [T.] 5 (2007), s. 35-45
Published: 2007.
Journal article