Memoirs of the Forsters - the Polish-born participants of Cook's expedition. The same voyage, worlds apart excerpts. Vol. 2, History of European oceanic exploration discussed in the Forsters'(...)

Memoirs of the Forsters - the Polish-born participants of Cook's expedition: the same voyage, worlds apart. Excerpts: biography, books, observations... and voyage...

Memoirs of the Forsters - the Polish-born participants of Cook's expedition. The same voyage, worlds apart. Excerpts: biography, journals..., observations..., and voyage... essays reply... and(...)

Georg Forsters Eingriff in die Diskussion um Schillers "Götter Griechenlands"
Sauerland, Karol
(1936- )
In: Studia Germanica Gedanensia. ISSN 1230-6045. [Nr] 34 (2016), s. 19-27
Published: 2016.
Journal article
In: Studia Germanica Gedanensia. ISSN 1230-6045. [Nr] 34 (2016), s. 19-27
Published: 2016.
Journal article

Bycie nie na miejscu : listy Georga Forstera z Wilna (1784-1787) jako narracja autobiograficzna
Bednarczuk, Monika,.-
(19- )
In: Autobiografia : literatura, kultura, media. ISSN 2353-8694. 2019, nr 1, s. 103-118
Published: 2019.
Journal article
In: Autobiografia : literatura, kultura, media. ISSN 2353-8694. 2019, nr 1, s. 103-118
Published: 2019.
Journal article

[no title]
Bonter, Urszula
In: Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny ISSN 0023-5911 R. 1996, t. 42 (1995) z. 4, s. 454-456
Journal article
In: Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny ISSN 0023-5911 R. 1996, t. 42 (1995) z. 4, s. 454-456
Journal article

"Wie waere da deutsche Wirtschaft moeglich?" (Einige Ueberlegungen zu Georg Forsters Diktum "polnische Wirtschaft")
Althaus, Hans-Joachim
In: Orbis Linguarum ISSN 1426-7241 R. 1997, t. 7, s. 51-90
Journal article
In: Orbis Linguarum ISSN 1426-7241 R. 1997, t. 7, s. 51-90
Journal article

Georg Forster w Wilnie
Sauerland, Karol
(1936- )
In: Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki. ISSN 1643-2045. 2010, nr 2, s. 165-178
Published: 2010.
Journal article
In: Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki. ISSN 1643-2045. 2010, nr 2, s. 165-178
Published: 2010.
Journal article

Plot and maritime metaphors in Sygurd Wiśniowski's narrative tales from mid-19th century New Zealand and Australia "Ten years [...]", "Tikera [...]", and "Little lights [...]" in the perspective of(...)
Vorbrich, Krzysztof Konstanty
In: Polish-Anglosaxon Studies. ISSN 0860-5882. Vol. 17 (2014), s. 5-54
Published: 2014.
Journal article
In: Polish-Anglosaxon Studies. ISSN 0860-5882. Vol. 17 (2014), s. 5-54
Published: 2014.
Journal article

Der Kölner Dom in den "Ansichten vom Niederrhein" von Georg Forster
Wojciechowska, Natalia (tłumacz)
In: Studia Niemcoznawcze. ISSN 0208-4597 T. 55 (2015), s. 313-320
Published: 2015.
Journal article
In: Studia Niemcoznawcze. ISSN 0208-4597 T. 55 (2015), s. 313-320
Published: 2015.
Journal article

George Forster: To live and die a voyager
Kajdański, Edward
In: The Warsaw Voice ISSN 0860-7591 R. 1990, nr 31, s. 9
Journal article
In: The Warsaw Voice ISSN 0860-7591 R. 1990, nr 31, s. 9
Journal article