The English interjection "oh" in specialist literature and translation
Drzazga, Anna (językoznawca)
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 42 (2021), s. 239-259
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 42 (2021), s. 239-259
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

Przewrotny głos pokolenia w powieściach Helen Fielding - "Dziennikach Bridget Jones"
Bujak-Lechowicz, Jolanta
(1970- )
In: Doświadczenie pokoleniowe a perspektywa osobista. s. 259-264
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Doświadczenie pokoleniowe a perspektywa osobista. s. 259-264
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

Teaching popular culture and gender stereotypes based on british pop fiction (H. Fielding and N. Hornby)
Malyhina, Margarita Vladimirovna
In: Literature, culture and linguistics in teaching: theory and practice. s. 117-131
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Literature, culture and linguistics in teaching: theory and practice. s. 117-131
Published: 2016.
Book chapter