"The sleeping and the dead"/Are but as pictures" : master(...)
Rasmus, Agnieszka
In: Studies in English Drama and Poetry. ISSN 1898-5114 Vol. 2 (2010), s. 155-163
Published: 2010.
Book chapter
In: Studies in English Drama and Poetry. ISSN 1898-5114 Vol. 2 (2010), s. 155-163
Published: 2010.
Book chapter

Defending Peter Brook and his brief definition of theatre
Limon, Jerzy
In: Pod pretekstem słów : księga jubileuszowa dla Profesora Wojciecha Kubińskiego. s. 177-199
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Pod pretekstem słów : księga jubileuszowa dla Profesora Wojciecha Kubińskiego. s. 177-199
Published: 2016.
Book chapter