Satyryczna uczta Firmusa : "Igrzysko" Leopolda Staffa na tle antycznego sympozjonu
Szczot, Monika
In: Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae. ISSN 0302-7384. Vol. 23, fasc. 1 (2013), s. 129-139
Published: 2013.
Journal article
In: Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae. ISSN 0302-7384. Vol. 23, fasc. 1 (2013), s. 129-139
Published: 2013.
Journal article
From the Renaissance through to our times : the reception of neo-Latin poetry in Polish translation
Buszewicz, Elwira
(1962- )
In: Renaissance and humanism from the Central-East European point of view : methodological approaches. s. 221-231
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
In: Renaissance and humanism from the Central-East European point of view : methodological approaches. s. 221-231
Published: 2014.
Book chapter