An interview with Iris Murdoch

Beznamiętnie i z pasją
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Journal article
In: Nowe Książki ISSN 0137-8562 R. 1998, nr 2, s. 64-65
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Constructing the Middle Ages in contemporary literature and culture: The reading of Iris Murdoch "The Green Knight"
Sikorska, Liliana
In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 2000, t. 35, s. 259-271
Journal article
In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 2000, t. 35, s. 259-271
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Czas biografii, Murdoch i blokada słów

Dobro i jego partacki pośrednik

Filozoficzny wymiar kanapki w wybranych powieściach Iris Murdoch

Historia trudnej miłości

Individual responsibility in two of Iris Murdoch's novels: "The sacred and profane love machine" and "The sea, the sea"
Tomczak, Anna
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In: Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny ISSN 0023-5911 R. 1995, t. 41 (1994) z. 4, s. 383-402
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"Initum ut esset, creatus est homo" : Iris Murdoch on authority and creativity

Iris Murdoch The novelist as philosopher the philosopher as novelist ; "The Unicorn" as a philosophical novel

Iris Murdoch's theory of the novel and its philosophical background
Wełnic, Ewa
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Journal article
In: Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Humanities and Social Sciences. English Studies ISSN 0860-7265 R. 1990, z. 1 (203), s. 29-41
Journal article