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Tekstovaâ funkciâ modaľnoj leksiki : (na materiale prozaičeskih proizvedenij Čehova)

by: Vaulina, Svetlana Sergeevna (1945- )

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In: Acta Polono-Ruthenica. ISSN 1427-549X. T. 11 (2006), s. 353-361
Published: 2006.
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Tragediâ/tragičeskoe i bezumnie/bezumnoe v istoričeskoj perspektive : (Evripid, Šekspir, Čehov i Stoppard)

by: Iŝuk-Fadeeva, Nina Ivanovna

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In: Collectanea Philologica. ISSN 1733-0319. [Vol.] 9 (2006), s. 199-211
Published: 2006.
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O perevode p'jesy Čajka A. P. Čechova na češskij jazyk : (Sravnenije nekotorych aspektov perevodov L. Sucharžipy i B. Mateziusa)

by: Brázdilová, Naďa Author

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In: Rossica Olomucensia ISSN 0139-9268 Sv. 44, 2005, s. 63-67
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K voprosu o perevode čechovskoj metafory

by: Richterek, Oldřich, 1940- Author

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In: Rossica Olomucensia ISSN 0139-9268 Sv. 44, 2005, s. 469-477
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Cinco relatos de Chéjov

by: Chejov, Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904)

Published: Madrid Ediciones Hispano Eslavas 2007
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Ideâ sestrinstva v čehovskoj i postčehovskoj drame : "Tri sestry" Antona Čehova i "Četvertaâ sestra" Ânuša Glovackogo

by: Olaszek, Barbara (1945- )

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In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 143 cz. 1 (2007), s. 111-118
Published: 2007.
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Motiv Dantova ada v rasskazah Antona P. Čehova

by: Kubasov, Aleksandr Vasil'evič

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In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 146 (2008), s. 41-45
Published: 2008.
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Dva aspekta temy detstva v rasskazah A. P. Čehova

by: Bazilevskaâ, Aèlita

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. T. 10 (2008), s. 119-137
Published: 2008.
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De̕ngi kak èlement poètiki Antona P. Čehova

by: Sobennikov, Anatolij Samuilovič

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In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 149 (2009), s. 77-81
Published: 2009.
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Kategoriâ normy v rasskaze A. P. Čehova "Palata No 6"

by: Chudzińska-Parkosadze, Anna

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In: Sprawy Wschodnie. ISSN 1644-0390 2008, z. 1/2, s. 96-109
Published: 2009.
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Mifopoètika dram Antona Čehova

by: Chudzińska-Parkosadze, Anna

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In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. R. 32, nr 1 (2010), s. 5-18
Published: 2010.
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Anton Čehov i Fedor Rešetnikov : o blizosti neshodnogo

by: Sozina, Elena Konstantinovna

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In: Slavia Orientalis. ISSN 0037-6744. R. 59, nr 3 (2010), s. 323-334
Published: 2010.
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Pejzaž s vodoj u Mopassana i Čehova : ("Na vode" i "Čajka")

by: Iŝuk-Fadeeva, Nina Ivanovna

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 3 (2010), s. 42-51
Published: 2010.
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Obrazy mstitelej v "Bezotcovŝinie" A. P. Čehova : geroj v situacii vozmezdiâ

by: Szymańska, Aleksandra (filolog)

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 3 (2010), s. 52-59
Published: 2010.
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Ob odnoj anagramme v rasskaze A.P. Čehova "Dama s sobačkoj"

by: Shubin, Roman

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In: Acta Polono-Ruthenica. ISSN 1427-549X. T. 16 (2011), s. 241-252
Published: 2011.
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Tiho v sadu : ob odnom élemente poslednej p'esy Čehova

by: Domanskij, Ûrij Viktorovič

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 4 (2011), s. 9-16
Published: 2011.
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Problema ličnosti v kontekste istoričeskoj pamâti : Čehovskie allûzii v komedii N. Rudkovskogo "Dožit' do prem'ery"

by: Iŝuk-Fadeeva, Nina Ivanovna

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 4 (2011), s. 32-44
Published: 2011.
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Problema geroâ v rasskaze A. P. Čehova "Černyj monah"

by: Chudzińska-Parkosadze, Anna

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In: Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884. Z. 36 (2011), s. 45-57
Published: 2011.
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Tvorčestvo A. P. Čehova v recepcii S. N. Bulgakova

by: Sobennikov, Anatolij Samuilovič

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In: Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884. Z. 36 (2011), s. 249-256
Published: 2011.
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Pol'skie familii v proze Antona Čehova

by: Shubin, Roman

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In: Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza. ISSN 1233-8672. T. 19, z. 1 (2012), s. 149-158
Published: 2012.
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