The motives of eloquence Literary rhetoric in the Renaissance

Bibliography of American literature

Homer to Brocht The European Epic and Dramatic Traditions
Published: New Haven Yale University Press 1977

The matter of Araby in Medieval England

Rhetorical norms in Renaissance literature

The madwoman in the Attic The woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination

The Forms of autobiography episodes in the history of a literary genre

Criticism in the wilderness The study of literature today

Tragedy and truth studies in the development of a renaissance and neoclassical discourse

Actes del Segon Col·loqui d'Estudis Catalans a Nord-Amèrica Yale, 1979
Published: [Barcelona] Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat 1982

The epithets in Homer a study in poetic values

Semiotics and interpretation

Poets historical dynastic epic in the Renaissance

Forms of life character and moral imagination in the novel

The garden of Priapus sexuality and aggression in Roman humor