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Kriget som bytte ansikte.

by: Sandberg, Christin.

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In: Ny tid. - ISSN 1456-0518. - 2016 : 2, s.37-39
Journal article
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In speechless ecstasy : expression and interpretation of mystical experience in classical Syriac and Sufi literature

by: Seppälä, Serafim (1970- )

Published: Helsinki : Finnish Oriental Society : Tiedekirja [jakaja], 2003 (Vammala : Vammalan kirjap.)
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In speechless ecstasy : expression and interpretation of mystical experience in classical Syriac and Sufi literature

by: Seppälä, Serafim (1970- )

Published: Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2002 (Helsinki University Printing House)
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Izrael ztrácí svou nezávislost : rozhovor s Chaimem Shurem

by: Shur, Chaim Interviewee

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In: Acta incognitorum [samizdat] Roč. 9, 1984, č. 5, leden, s. 248-250
Journal article
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Vždycky je naděje : syrský spisovatel Nihad Sirees

by: Sīrīs, Nihād, 1950- Interviewee

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In: Právo ISSN 1211-2119 Roč. 26, 2016, č. 135, 9. 6., příl. Salon, č. 975, s. 4
Salon [online] 10. 6. 2016
Journal article
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Bashar al-Assadin Syyria.

by: Sorila, Eero.

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In: Matkalehti. - ISSN 1239-1018. - 2013 : 4, s.40-42
Journal article
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Ihone-miehen tarina.

by: Suominen, Riikka.

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In: Vihreä lanka. - ISSN 0780-9417. - 2016 : 4, s.15
Journal article
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Taksi Kurdistaniin : reppumatkasarjakuvia Lähi-idästä

by: Sutinen, Aino

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Published: Oulu : Asema, 2009 ([Sastamala] : Vammalan Kirjapaino)
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Väliintulon hetki meni jo Syyriassa.

by: Tähtinen, Lauri.

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In: Ulkopolitiikka. - ISSN 0501-0659. - 49(2012) : 1, s.58-60
Journal article
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Herkuleen pylväät : suuri matka Välimeren ympäri

by: Theroux, Paul.

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Published: Porvoo ; Helsinki ; Juva : WSOY, 1996.
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Venäjä käänsi kelkkansa : Putin haluaa irti Ukrainasta ja kunnioitetuksi rauhantekijäksi Syyriassa, väittää kirjailija ja toisinajattelija Viktor Jerofejev.

by: Tiilikainen, Teppo.

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In: Suomen kuvalehti. - ISSN 0039-5552. - 2015 : 44, s.22-25
Journal article
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Tuhat ja kaksi yötä.

by: Toivonen, Roosa.

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In: Kodin kuvalehti. - ISSN 0023-2610. - 2001 : 22, s.48-54
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"Walka" złego z "synami przymierza" na podstawie wybranych "Mów" Afrahata, Perskiego Mędrca

by: Uciecha, Andrzej (1960- )

In: Vox Patrum : antyk chrześcijański. ISSN 0860-9411. R. 33, t. 59 (2013), s. 209-223
Published: 2013.
Book chapter
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Libro de las experiencias

by: Usama ibn Munqid (1095-1188)

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Published: Barcelona Círculo de Lectores [1999]
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Diari d'un turista viatge a Síria i Jordània

by: Vila Casas, Enric (1924-)

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Published: Barcelona Columna 2001
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Przeprawa : moja podróż do pękniętego serca Syrii

by: Yazbek, Samar (1970- )

Published: Kraków : Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016.
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Przeprawa : moja podróż do pękniętego serca Syrii

by: Yazbek, Samar (1970- )

Published: Kraków : Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016.
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Básník Adonis dostane v Praze cenu

In: Právo ISSN 1211-2119 Roč. 19, 2009, č. 130, 5. 6., s. 20
Journal article

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