Disharmonius harmonies : music in Charles Dickens's "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Kokot, Joanna
(1956- )
In: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 67-80
Published: 2019.
Book chapter
In: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 67-80
Published: 2019.
Book chapter

Dostoevsky and Dickens a study of literary influence

Fallen women in selected Polish translations of Dickens
Kałużna, Agnieszka
In: Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture s. 73-85
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
In: Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture s. 73-85
Published: 2018.
Book chapter

Fear-ridden childhood: Puritan pedagogy in Charles Dickens's novels

Fictions of revolution in "A tale of two cities" and "Romola"
Gutowska, Anna
In: Approaches to Literature. ISSN 1642-0551. Vol. 4 (2005), s. 125-136
Published: 2005.
Journal article
In: Approaches to Literature. ISSN 1642-0551. Vol. 4 (2005), s. 125-136
Published: 2005.
Journal article

Figures of hypocrisy : pity and poverty in Charles Dickens's "Hard times"
Uściński, Przemysław
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 201-214
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 201-214
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture.
Published: Warsaw : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2021.

Ghosts and God in Dickens' A Christmas carol

Give sorrow words : trauma and time in Dickens's "Great expectations" versus Orzeszkowa "Pompalińscy"
Budrewicz-Beratan, Aleksandra
In: Time and temporality across disciplines and methodologies. s. 293-319
Published: 2023.
Book chapter
In: Time and temporality across disciplines and methodologies. s. 293-319
Published: 2023.
Book chapter

"Groping in the dark" : the representation of poverty in Charles Dickens's "Bleak house"
Setecka, Agnieszka
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 285-293
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
In: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 285-293
Published: 2018.
Book chapter

How to study a Charles Dickens novel

Madame Defarge and Conrad's ominous tricoteuses - Disckens as Conrad's apposite context
Pypeć, Magdalena
In: Approaches to Literature. ISSN 1642-0551. Vol. 4 (2005), s. 111-124
Published: 2005.
Journal article
In: Approaches to Literature. ISSN 1642-0551. Vol. 4 (2005), s. 111-124
Published: 2005.
Journal article

Male-female relations in Charles Dickens's "The cricet on the hearth" and its Polish renditions
Dybiec, Anna
In: Wschód-zachód : przestrzeń wzajemnego przenikania się kultur, s. 39-49
Published: 2020.
Book chapter
In: Wschód-zachód : przestrzeń wzajemnego przenikania się kultur, s. 39-49
Published: 2020.
Book chapter

Megalosaurus on Holborn Hill : Charles Dickens and the 19th century naturalists
Grzegorzewska, Małgorzata
(1964- )
In: Anglica : studies in English and American literature. ISSN 0860-5734. [Vol.] 15 (2006), s. 33-43
Published: 2006.
Journal article
In: Anglica : studies in English and American literature. ISSN 0860-5734. [Vol.] 15 (2006), s. 33-43
Published: 2006.
Journal article

Parent-child relationship in Viktorian Britain and in Dickens's novels

Perception peculiarities in audio-visual media
In: Na pograniczu kultur. T. 2 s. 7-20
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

Possible worlds of the fantastic the rise of the paranormal in fiction

Selected chapters from the history of British literature
Buda, Agata (filolog)
Published: Radom : Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego. Wydawnictwo, copyright 2017.
Published: Radom : Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego. Wydawnictwo, copyright 2017.

Some functions of "utopian business" motif in "Nicholas Nickleby" by Charles Dickens
Kujawska-Lis, Ewa
(1972- )
In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. T. 7 (2005), s. 17-30
Published: 2005.
Journal article
In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. T. 7 (2005), s. 17-30
Published: 2005.
Journal article