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Cena : w poszukiwaniu żydowskich dzieci po wojnie

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Autor

Published: Wołowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2022.
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De misdaad en het zwijgen : Jedwabne 1941, de levende herinnering aan een pogrom in Polen

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: Amsterdam : Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers, 2016.
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The crime and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016.
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Trastos, recuerdos : una biografía de Wisława Szymborska

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: Valencia : Editorial Pre-Textos, 2015.
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The crime and the silence : a quest for the truth of a wartime massacre

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: [London] : William Heinemann, 2015.
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Skiyŵt zikarŵn mi-hayey Wiyslabah Šiymbŵrsqah : biyŵgrapyah

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: Yrwšalayim : Karmel, 2014.
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ʾAnaḥnẇ mi-Yedwaḃneh : ha-ṗešaʿ weha-haštaqah

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Autor

Published: Yerẇšalaiym : K̇armel, 2016.
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De misdaad en het zwijgen : Jedwabne 1941, de levende herinnering aan een pogrom in Polen

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Autor

Published: Amsterdam : Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers, 2017.
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Vi från Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: Johanneshov : MTM, 2015.
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The crime and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.
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The crime and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.
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The crime and the silence : a quest for the truth of a wartime massacre

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Autor

Published: London : William Heinemann, 2015.
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Wisława Szymborska : prullaria, dromen en vrienden

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Autor

Published: Breda : De Geus, 2014.
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The crime and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: London : Windmill Books, 2016.
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The crime and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016.
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Cianfrusaglie del passato : la vita di Wislawa Szymborska

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- )

Published: Milano : Adelphi Edizioni, cop. 2015.
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Francois Bondy

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Author

In: Gazeta Wyborcza ISSN 0860-908X R. 2003, nr 124, s. 2
Journal article
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Pierwsza poetka i jej pierwszy sekretarz

by: Bikont, Anna (1954- ) Author

In: Wysokie Obcasy ISSN 1506-9087 R. 2003, nr 45, s. 8-16
Journal article

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