Z básní Vincenta Pola : Emir Tadž-ul Fechr - Stichly větry v podvečeru od západní strany,..
Arietto, Ladislav
In: Světozor Roč. 13, 1879, č. 4, 24. 1., s. 39
Journal article
In: Světozor Roč. 13, 1879, č. 4, 24. 1., s. 39
Journal article

Uygulamalı oyunculuk teknikleri

Was it worth it, Columbus in jeans

Was it worth it, Columbus in jeans

Was it worth it, Columbus in jeans

K istorii issledovaniâ ukrainskogo literaturnogo bidermejera
Âroš, Irina
In: Bidermejer v slavânskom i evropejskom kontekste. s. 55-64
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Bidermejer v slavânskom i evropejskom kontekste. s. 55-64
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

Bidermejerskie motivy v liričeskih proizvedeniâh Èduarda Mërike
Âroš, Irina
In: Bidermejer v slavânskom i evropejskom kontekste. s. 81-92
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Bidermejer v slavânskom i evropejskom kontekste. s. 81-92
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

Stjarnan og fjörðurinn = Gwiazda i fiord = The star and the fiord
Arsso-Cwalińska, Elżbieta
Published: [Islandia] : Elżbieta Arsso-Cwalińska, 2018.
Published: [Islandia] : Elżbieta Arsso-Cwalińska, 2018.

Zarzuty Żydów i pogan wobec chrześcijan w pierwotnym Kościele : perspektywa apologijna = Jewish and gentile allegations against Christians in the Early Church : an apologetic perspective
Artemiuk, Przemysław
(1974- )
In: Studia Theologica Varsaviensia. ISSN 0585-5594. R. 59, [nr] 2 (2021), s. 8-71
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
In: Studia Theologica Varsaviensia. ISSN 0585-5594. R. 59, [nr] 2 (2021), s. 8-71
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

Poetry in the service of politics : the case of Adam Mickiewicz in Communist Poland and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in East Germany

Poetry in the service of politics : the case of Adam Mickiewicz in Communist Poland and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in East Germany

Poetry in the service of politics : the case of Adam Mickiewicz in Communist Poland and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in East Germany

Poetry in the service of politics : the case of Adam Mickiewicz in Communist Poland and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in East Germany

The discrete charm of times past : Michal Viewegh's family saga Báječná léta pod psa (1992)
Artwińska, Anna,
In: After utopia : Czechoslovak normalization between experiment and experience, 1968-1989 : proceedings of the Annual Conference of Collegium Carolinum, Pelham, 8-11 November 2018 Eds. Christiane Brenner, Michal Pullmann, Anja Tippner Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022 978-3-525-33614-4 S. 333-345
Book chapter
In: After utopia : Czechoslovak normalization between experiment and experience, 1968-1989 : proceedings of the Annual Conference of Collegium Carolinum, Pelham, 8-11 November 2018 Eds. Christiane Brenner, Michal Pullmann, Anja Tippner Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022 978-3-525-33614-4 S. 333-345
Book chapter

Z básně "Sulamita" : [Ó sestro! Ty's mně růžová jak zoře,]
Aspis, Bogumił,
In: Kalendář česko-židovský ISSN 1214-9993 Roč. 41, 1921/1922, s. 13-19
Journal article
In: Kalendář česko-židovský ISSN 1214-9993 Roč. 41, 1921/1922, s. 13-19
Journal article


Yankee at heart : or Thaddeus Kościuszko in America
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