[The science of Shakespeare - recenzja]
Bienias, Barbara
(1983- )
In: Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki. ISSN 0023-589X. R. 62, nr 1 (2017), s. 110-114
Published: 2016.
Journal article
In: Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki. ISSN 0023-589X. R. 62, nr 1 (2017), s. 110-114
Published: 2016.
Journal article

Virgins or whores? : the image of a renaissance woman in parlour games in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and "Othello"
Bienias, Barbara
(1983- )
In: Acta Philologica. ISSN 0065-1524. Nr 39 (2011), s. 29-36
Published: 2011.
Journal article
In: Acta Philologica. ISSN 0065-1524. Nr 39 (2011), s. 29-36
Published: 2011.
Journal article

Three weddings and a refusal? : family ties and social order in "Measure for measure"
Bienias, Barbara
(1983- )
In: Acta Philologica. ISSN 0065-1524. Nr 37 (2010), s. 37-43
Published: 2010.
Journal article
In: Acta Philologica. ISSN 0065-1524. Nr 37 (2010), s. 37-43
Published: 2010.
Journal article

Bieńkowska, Ewa
In: Tygodnik Powszechny ISSN 0041-4808 R. 2002, nr 49, s. 16
Journal article
In: Tygodnik Powszechny ISSN 0041-4808 R. 2002, nr 49, s. 16
Journal article

Commentary and control in Shakespeare's plays

Shakespeare po niemiecku

[Teatteriarvostelu:Kesäyön unelma].
Blåfield, Ville.
In: Suomen kuvalehti. - ISSN 0039-5552. - 88(2004) : 51-52, s.78
Journal article
In: Suomen kuvalehti. - ISSN 0039-5552. - 88(2004) : 51-52, s.78
Journal article


[Kirja-arvostelu:Henrik IV].

When shall we three meet again? Macbeth en ocho momentos de la historia del teatro inglés
Blasco Cerezuela, Adelaida
Published: València Universitat de València, Servei de Publicacions 2009
Published: València Universitat de València, Servei de Publicacions 2009

[Król Ryszard III - recenzja]
Błażewicz, Olgierd
In: Odra (Wrocław). ISSN 0472-5182. 2004, nr 2, s. 125-126
Published: 2004.
Journal article
In: Odra (Wrocław). ISSN 0472-5182. 2004, nr 2, s. 125-126
Published: 2004.
Journal article

Ofelias en el cine, aguas en el espejo
Blázquez Mateos, Eduardo
Published: [Móstoles (Madrid)] [Guisando (Ávila)] Instituto Superior de Danza Alicia Alonso ; Sociedad CulturalAleroañil [2006]
Published: [Móstoles (Madrid)] [Guisando (Ávila)] Instituto Superior de Danza Alicia Alonso ; Sociedad CulturalAleroañil [2006]

Shakespeare puhui elämästä, Milton kirjoista : viittauksia Lahden 11. kirjailijakokoukseen.
Blomstedt, Jan.
In: Parnasso. - ISSN 0031-2320. - 33(1983) : 6, s. 358-359
Parnasso. - ISSN 0031-2320. - 33(1983) : 6, s.358-359
Journal article
In: Parnasso. - ISSN 0031-2320. - 33(1983) : 6, s. 358-359
Parnasso. - ISSN 0031-2320. - 33(1983) : 6, s.358-359
Journal article
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