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Rozhlasto : Český rozhlas 1923-2023 = Czech Radio 1923-2023

by: Pánek, Tomáš, 1986- Author

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Josef Werner : exlibris : fantasy in reality

by: Scherzer, Karel, 1965- Author

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Imaginative theatre (of the world) between the Bible and Beckett : the poetic and surreal ex-libris works of Josef Werner

by: Tauber, Henry, 1951- Author

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In: Scherzer, Karel Josef Werner : exlibris : fantasy in reality Praha : X2015, 2023 978-80-906069-7-5 S. 9-10
Book chapter
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Presages of Contemporary Theatre Studies Theories in Vladimír Jindra's Structuralist Theory of Scenography

by: Havlíčková Kysová, Šárka, 1982- Author

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In: Theatralia ISSN 1803-845X Roč. 26, 2023, č. 1, 15. 4., s. 82-100
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The Diaries of Jindřich Honzl: 1912-1952

by: Šlaisová, Eva Author

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In: Theatralia ISSN 1803-845X Roč. 26, 2023, č. 1, 15. 4., s. 123-137
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Audience by Václav Havel in NYT!

In: Britské listy [online] ISSN 1213-1792 24. 1. 2023
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Cirque maçonnique : ke století českého svobodného zednářství = marking the centenary pf Czech Freemasonry

by: Slíva, Jiří, 1947- Author

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Herbartian Aesthetics in Bohemia

by: Steiner, P. 1946- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 200-211
Book chapter
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Phenomenology in Czechoslovakia : Jan Patočka, Přemysl Blažíček

by: Vojvodík, Josef, 1964- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 323-339
Book chapter
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Hermeneutics in the Czech Context : F. X. Šalda, Václav Černý, and Dimitrij Tschižewskij (Dmytro Chyzhevsky)

by: Vojvodík, Josef, 1964- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 369-380
Book chapter
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Tragic realism : on Karel Kosík's Insights into Kafka

by: Tava, Francesco, 1984- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 529-543
Book chapter
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Transfer as the Key : Understanding the Intellectual History of the Relationship between Formalism and Structuralism from the Perspective of the Prague Linguistic Circle

by: Glanc, Tomáš, 1969- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 613-631
Book chapter
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Approaches to an Anthropologically-Oriented Theory of Literature and Culture in the Czech Avant-Garde and the Aesthetics of Prague Structuralism

by: Wutsdorff, Irina, 1970- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 632-652
Book chapter
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Semiotics of Drama and Theatre : the Prague School Model

by: Ambros, Veronika, 1947- Author

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In: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West Eds. Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, Irina Wutsdorff Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023 978-3-11-037872-6 S. 653-669
Book chapter
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by: Zahladko, Iryna, 1986- Author

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Ballads and Legends : Media Transformations of Canonical Narratives in Polish and Czech Culture

by: Jedličková, Alice, 1963- Author

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In: Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne ISSN 2084-3011 R. 2022, č. 23, 10. 2. 2023, s. [167]-192
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Jan Neruda padesátých a šedesátých let jako baladik : nejistota životního určení a smysl moderní literatury

by: Blinková Pelánová, Eva, 1978- Author

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In: Česká literatura ISSN 0009-0468 Roč. 71, 2023, č. 1, březen, s. 24-51
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Remembering professor Bohumil Palek (1936-2022)

by: Lin, Melissa Author

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In: Slovo a slovesnost ISSN 0037-7031 Roč. 84, 2023, č. 1, březen, s. 86-87
Journal article
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