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by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Slavia Orientalis ISSN 0037-6744 R. 2000, nr 4, s. 614-618
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"Volshebnyjj khor"

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Studia Rossica ISSN 0239-3506 R. 1999, [t.] 7, s. 253-259
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Elizium ternejj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 2002, nr 11, s. 17-28
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Peterburgskijj tekst Anny Akhmatovojj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1998, nr 7 (198), s. 31-42
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Anna Akhmatova i Nikolajj Gumiljov

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Kieleckie Studia Rusycystyczne ISSN 0239-538X R. 2000, t. 10, s. 35-42
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Anna Akhmatova i Nikolajj Gumiljov

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Kieleckie Studia Rusycystyczne ISSN 0239-538X R. 2000, t. 10, s. 35-42
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Tvorcheskaja istorija "Poehmy bez geroja" A. Akhmatovojj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1996, nr 5 (152), s. 53-63
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Liricheskaja kartina mira v tvorchestve Anny Akhmatovojj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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Rechevaja struktura romana A. Solzhenicyna "V kruge pervom"

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1994, nr 3 (119), s. 83-96
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Kul'turnaja tradicija v venecianskikh tekstakh russkojj literatury

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie ISSN 1642-557X R. 2003, t. 3, s. 127-141
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Sjuzhetno-kompozicionnoe svoeobrazie romana A. Solzhenicyna "V kruge pervom"

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1993, nr 2 (105), s. 37-42
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"Svojo" i "chuzhoe": k probleme tradicii v tvorchestve akmeistov

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 2002, nr 12, s. 47-59
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Obraz Muzy v lirike A. Akhmatobojj v svete mifopoeticheskikh vossrenijj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1998, nr 6 (177), s. 105-115
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"My, kazhetsja, togda zhivymi byli..." Lidija Chukovskaja i Juzef Chapskij

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1999, nr 8 (241), s. 21-30
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"My, kazhetsja, togda zhivymi byli..." Lidija Chukovskaja i Juzef Chapskij

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1999, nr 8 (241), s. 21-30
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Subbekt: vozvedenie v absoljut i "smert'" (v russkojj neklassicheskojj lirike)

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1999, nr 9 (258), s. 35-43
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Russkijj panegirik i invektiva 1930-1950-kh godov (Stalinskijj klassicizm)

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Studia Rossica ISSN 0239-3506 R. 2000, [t.] 10, s. 193-199
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Liricheskijj cykl i ego mesto v poehticheskom nasledii A.A. Akhmatovojj

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

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In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 1995, nr 4 (141), s. 45-56
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"Sof'ja Petrovna" L. Chukovskojj: avtorskijj zamysel i chitatel'skoe prochtenie

by: Fedorczuk, Irena Author

We do not have a clear identifier or note about this person. You can try to get more information using external search engines:

In: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Slavica Stetinensia R. 2000, nr 10 (286), s. 49-60
Journal article
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