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Aikuisten kehitysvammaisten kirjeopistokokeilu Helsingin kaupungin Solakallion erityiskoulussa : oikeus ymmärrettävään kieleen

by: Vinni, Irja

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Published: [Helsinki] : Kehitysvammaliitto, oppimateriaalikeskus , [1992]
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Evaluating European immersion programs : from Catalonia to Finland

Published: Vaasa : Vaasan yliopisto, 1994.
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Bio-Syntax : learning English.

by: Cumberworth, David.

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Published: Hyvinkää : Bio-Syntax Method , 1987 (Espoo : Pica-Set)
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A resource base for bilingual educators = Bibliographie Bilingualismus und bilingualer Unterricht

Published: Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, Continuing Education Centre, 1998 (Jyväskylän yliopistopaino)
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Kielikylpyvanhempien odotukset ja motivaatio

by: Nykvist, Pia

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Published: Helsinki : Helsingin kaupunki, 1997.
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Published: [Helsingfors] : SMLF, 1995 ([Mariehamn] : Mariehamns tr.)
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Intercultural teaching and learning : English as a foreign language education in Finland and Japan

by: Garant, Mikel del

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Published: Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, 1997 (Jyväskylä University Printing House)
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Satujen saarilta asfalttikukkien maahan : Lounais-Suomen kirjailijat ry:n lasten- ja nuortenkirjailijoita

by: Forsström, Riikka.

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Published: Turku : [Lounais-Suomen kirjailijat], 1997 ([Uusikaupunki] : [Uudenkaupungin kirjap.])
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Animadversiones nonnullae, de methodo lingvam latinam addiscendi, quas ex mandato ... d:ni episcopi [et] pro-cancellarii, nec non summe vener. consist. ecclesiastici. Approb. ampl. fac. phil. in Reg.(...)

by: Wegelius, Jacobus Henrici, 1748-1778, preeses.

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Published: Aboae : typis Johannis Christophori Frenckell, [1773]
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Über die Wichtigkeit der deutschen Sprache für gründliche Bildung, insbesondere in Finnland. Bei Gelegenheit des öffentlichen Examens am Gymnasium zu Wiburg 1813. Von Ludwig Purgold, Oberlehrer(...)

by: Purgold, Ludwig.

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Published: St. Petersburg : gedruckt bei F. Drechsler, 1813.
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The moomins in the world : learning with text

Published: Turku : Turun opettajankoulutuslaitos , 1998 (Painosalama)
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Mitä mieltä kirjoittajakoulutuksesta?

by: Vuori, Satu

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Published: Jyväskylä : Jyväskylän yliopisto, 1998 (Kopi-jyvä)
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Now they're talking : testing oral proficiency in a language laboratory

by: Saleva, Maija

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Published: Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, 1997 (Jyväskylä University Printing House)
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Lingua-Conference : new partnerships with least widely used and least taught (LWULT) languages : March 28 and 29, 1996 in Helsinki : report.

Published: Helsinki : Centre for International Mobility : National Board of Education, Socrates National Agency, 1997 (Multiprint)
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Published: [Tampere] : [Tampereen yliopisto], 1997.
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Âzykovye kontakty

Published: Ûvâskûlâ : Universitet g. Ûvâskûlâ, Naučnyj centr prikladnoj lingvistiki, 1997 (Hetimonex)
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Tiêng me de : day tiêng me de cho nguoi dân di cu trong truòng Phân Lan

Published: Helsinki : So giáo duc , 1997 (Star-offset)
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Moj rodnoj âzyk : prepodavanie rodnogo âzyka pereselencam v Finlândii

Published: Helsinki : Glavnoe upravlenie prosveŝeniâ, 1997 (Star-offset)
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English children's songs : their use in promoting oral skills in primary schoolchildren in Sri Lanka

by: Fonseka, Edirisingha Arachchigé Gamini.

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Published: Vaasa : Universitas Wasaensis, 1997 (Ykkös-offset)
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Tie kirjallisuuteen

by: Julkunen, Marja-Liisa

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Published: Joensuu : Joensuun yliopisto, 1997.
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