Jerzy Fijałkowski
geb. 1932, h. Ślepowron, autor gawęd, publicysta, Rogala, Stanisław:: słownik pisarzy i badaczy literatury. Kielce: Gens, 1999. - 339 S.,: zahlr. Ill., ISBN 83-86285-58-3, 1a: 3A96290 OE LS EE e 924 Opowieści z Gór Świętokrzyskich / Jerzy Fij
Summary for all the roles in which the viewed person appears in the bibliography.
Publication place
As main author
As co-author
As subject person
Source Database
Corporate Author
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Publication place
Jerzy Fijałkowski was the subject of publications in which the main author was:
(Cez) 2
Pierściński, Paweł 1
Jerzy Fijałkowski
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Jerzy Fijałkowski
Firkowska, Leokadia
Sedlak, Włodzimierz
Danek, Zofia (1911- ) 1
Kukomski, Zygmunt (1919-2012) 1
Zarudzki, Olgierd (1929- ) 1