Paweł Okołowski Wikipedysta:Zbyszek.michalak/brudnopis
polský filozof zaměřený na filozofickou antropologii a axiologii
- Sex or Gender:
- male
- Date of Birth:
- 1963-04-10
- Place of Birth:
- Warsaw
- Occupation:
- philosopher
- Viaf ID:
- 161294788
Summary for all the roles in which the viewed person appears in the bibliography.
Corporate Author
As main author
As co-author
As subject person
Source Database
Corporate Author
Corporate Author
Publication language
Paweł Okołowski
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Paweł Okołowski
Polish science fiction author, philosopher and futurologist (1921-2006), studied medical doctor
Go to bibliographic recordsKołakowski, Leszek
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolniewicz, Bogusław
Lukrecjusz (ok. 97-55 p.n.e.) 1
Šalamov, Varlam Tichonovič (1907-1982) 1