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Age of Enlightenment Enlightenment, European Enlightenment

European cultural movement of the 17th and 18th centuries

uosvicenstviilustracionIlustraciónsiècle des LumièresAufklärungilluminismoЭпоха ПросвещенияIlluminismuSoillseachadhAn EagnaíochtZäitalter vun de LumièresAevum Illuminationisຍຸກແສງສະຫວ່າງМәгърифәтчелекAydınlanma ÇağıÖpklärengApgaismības laikmetsPanahon ng PagkamulatAň-bilim eýýamyยุคเรืองปัญญาEiluminismoאויפקלערונגOplysningstidenAge of Enlightenmentआत्मज्ञानया युगΔιαφωτισμόςKlerismo啟蒙時代عصر التنويرBuqmoengz SeizdaihArgien mendeaValgustusajastuIlustrasionIlluminissemIluminism

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