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Czech philosopher, historian, humanist, lexicographer, linguist, publisher, professor, translator, writer, university educator and science writer

Więcej o...

Czech attorney, poet and translator

Więcej o...

Czech protestant theologian and translator

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Narozen kolem roku 1525 ve Vrchbělé, zemřel asi roku 1551 v Praze. Humanista, správce školy v Praze, spisovatel a překladatel z řečtiny.

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Czech theater reviewer, publicist, bookwriter and writer

Więcej o...
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Czech actor, publicist, translator and writer

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Czech poet, lawyer, translator and writer

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Czech translator and writer (1873-1918)

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český herec, dramatik, spisovatel a organizační pracovník

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Narozen 20.1.1875 ve Vosmé u Mladé Vožice, zemřel 7.8. 1930 v Praze.

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Narozen 2. 9. 1842 v Praze, zemřel 25. 1. 1901 tamtéž. Redaktor "Humoristických listů", spisovatel a překladatel dobrodružných románů.

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Czech poet, museologist, translator and art historian

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Czech theater reviewer, theater manager, actor, publicist, translator, satirist, writer and singer

Więcej o...

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