Przejdź do treści
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Czech literature historian, literature reviewer, literary theorist and university educator

Więcej o...

Czech playwright, actor, presenter, professor, publicist, scriptwriter, writer and university educator

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Czech estheticist, literary theorist and university educator

Więcej o...

Czech geologist, translator, writer and university educator

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Czech literature historian, literature reviewer and educator

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Czech poet, musician, actor, and artist

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czeski biolog, filozof i wykładowca

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Czech politician and publicist (1884-1973)

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Czech archivist, historian, publicist, educator and university educator (1909-1982)

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Czech evolution biologist, science writer and roman catholic priest

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Czech director, scriptwriter and university educator

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Czech philosopher and sociologist

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Czech publicist, translator, director, sociologist and university educator

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umělecký recitátor, redaktor, uspořádal výbor z H. Heina, pedagog, moderátor hudebních pořadů, zakladatel a ředitel Lyry Pragensis

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Czech theater reviewer, translator and university educator

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Czech historian, writer and university educator

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Czech theater manager, film director, actor, professor, and university educator

Więcej o...

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