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Czech poet, essayist and translator

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Czech poet and artist (1920-2006)

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Czech poet, translator and bookwriter

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Narozen 4. 10. 1905, zemřel 23. 4. 1997 v Hamburku (Německo). Exilový vydavatel, básník, konfident Gestapa a STB.

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Czech humorist, illustrator and cartoonist (1924-2011)

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Czech poet, historian, art historian, literature historian and writer (1874-1948)

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český učitel, básník, prozaik, redaktor a překladatel

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Narozen 6. 5. 1946 v Praze. Básník, prozaik, sorabista, fejetonista a historik.

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Czech poet, theater reviewer, playwright, essayist, ethnographer, film reviewer, literature historian, literary theorist, professor, publicist, writer,(...)

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