Narozen 26. 10. 1934 v Kolíně, zemřel 14. 9. 2015 v Praze. Pedagog, psycholog, teatrolog, vysokoškolský pedagog, publicista, překladatel, autor(...)
Więcej o...Zawężanie wyników
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Narozen 26. 10. 1934 v Kolíně, zemřel 14. 9. 2015 v Praze. Pedagog, psycholog, teatrolog, vysokoškolský pedagog, publicista, překladatel, autor(...)
Więcej o...Czech literature historian and university educator (1909-1974)
Więcej o...Czech theatre and literature reviewer, publicist, translator, writer and educator
Więcej o...Czech doctor, pychiatrist and university educator (1895-1978)
Więcej o...Czech philosopher, mathematician, and politician (1935-2015)
Więcej o...Czech member of the Czech council and mineralogist, professor, University of Prague
Więcej o...Czech literature reviewer, educator, translator and writer
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