Narozen 27. 3. 1979 v Brně. Mgr. v oboru archeologie, prehistorik, dokumentátor-geodet Ústavu Anthropos, práce z oboru.
Więcej o...Zawężanie wyników
Użyte filtry
Czech priest, professor, translator, theologist and university educator
Więcej o...tschechischer Historiker, Archivar, Diplomatiker und Epigraphiker
Więcej o...Born 1943 Brno, czech art historian, theoretician and curator of photography.
Więcej o...Czech architect, designer, painter and university educator (1871–1923)
Więcej o...Czech politician, informatician, professor and university educator
Więcej o...Narozen 27. 3. 1979 v Brně. Mgr. v oboru archeologie, prehistorik, dokumentátor-geodet Ústavu Anthropos, práce z oboru.
Więcej o...Czech anthropologist, archeologist, professor, university educator and science writer
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