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Czech historian, humanistic chronicler, chronicler and writer

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český historik, právník, překladatel a spisovatel

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Czech philosopher, historian, humanist, lexicographer, linguist, publisher, professor, translator, writer, university educator and science writer

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Czech poet, historian, writer and roman catholic priest

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Narozen před rokem 1550, zemřel 14.3.1595 v Praze. Spisovatel zábavně naučných knížek a sběratel drobných humanistických tisků.

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Czech diplomat, politician and writer (1551-1621)

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Slovak poet, linguist, mathematician, translator, university educator and science writer (1555-1615)

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Czech traveller, composer and writer (1564-1621)

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Czech poet, playwright, writer and science writer

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1566-1618; Schulinspektor u. Schriftsteller in Prag; Priester der Böhmischen Brüder

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český protestantský duchovní a spisovatel

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