Narozen 27.3.1827 v Nedomicích u Brandýsa nad Labem, zemřel 22.9.1902 v Praze. Úředník, novinář, redaktor, historický spis, překlad z němčiny.
Więcej o...Zawężanie wyników
Użyte filtry
Czech member of Czech council, publicist and high school educator (1825-1875)
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, notary, publicist, mayor, lawyer and judge
Więcej o...Narozen 27.3.1827 v Nedomicích u Brandýsa nad Labem, zemřel 22.9.1902 v Praze. Úředník, novinář, redaktor, historický spis, překlad z němčiny.
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, attorney, publisher and publicist
Więcej o...Czech playwright, publisher, publicist, translator and beekeeper
Więcej o...Czech poet, playwright, publicist, politician and writer (1829-1890)
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, historian, publicist and high school educator
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, publicist, educator and writer
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, publicist and high school educator
Więcej o...