Przejdź do treści

Czech humorist, puppeteer and writer

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Czech theatre director and director

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Czech minister of culture of the CR, director, documentator and educator

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Czech playwright, scriptwriter and writer

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Czech writer, publicist and scriptwriter

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Czech translator, scriptwriter and writer

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Czech actor, publicist, translator, scriptwriter and writer, b. 1946

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Narozen 22.2.1941 v Praze. Ing., scenárista, dramaturg, publicista a básník.

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Narozena 14. 10. 1941 v Praze. Scenáristka a spisovatelka, třetí manželka spisovatele Pavla Kohouta.

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Czech actor, screenwriter, and director

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czeska działaczka polityczna, tłumaczka, lekarka

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Czech film producer, actor, entrepreneur and director

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