Narozena 30.5.1969 v Praze. Doc., PhDr., Ph.D., historička a bohemistka, vysokoškolská pedagožka, specializace na politické dějiny 19. a 20.(...)
Więcej o...Zawężanie wyników
Użyte filtry
Czech literature historian, translator and university educator
Więcej o...Czech literature historian, high school educator and university educator
Więcej o...Czech philosopher, translator and university educator (1894-1973)
Więcej o...glyptic artist, jeweler, glass artist, pedagogue, typographer, illustrator (1917-1994)
Więcej o...Czech politician, literature historian, politician and university educator
Więcej o...Czechoslovak member of Czechoslovak parliament, slovak nation politician and historian
Więcej o...Narozena 30.5.1969 v Praze. Doc., PhDr., Ph.D., historička a bohemistka, vysokoškolská pedagožka, specializace na politické dějiny 19. a 20.(...)
Więcej o...Czech theater director, educator and artist (1920-1997)
Więcej o...Czech theatre and literature reviewer, publicist, translator, writer and educator
Więcej o...Czech minister of culture of the CR, director, documentator and educator
Więcej o...