Przejdź do treści

poeta, dramaturg i tłumacz czeski, plastyk, teoretyk sztuki

Więcej o...

czeski poeta pochodzenia żydowskiego

Więcej o...
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Czech poet, playwright, germanist, translator, bookwriter and writer

Więcej o...

czeski pisarz, poeta, dramaturg, tłumacz

Więcej o...

Czech poet, playwright and publicist

Więcej o...
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Narozen 22. 6. 1919 v Luži u Vysokého Mýta, zemřel 3. 6. 2001 v Praze. Dramaturg v Československé televizi, básník, dramatik, satirik.

Więcej o...

Czech poet, theater reviewer, playwright, essayist, ethnographer, film reviewer, literature historian, literary theorist, professor, publicist, writer,(...)

Więcej o...

Czech theater reviewer, playwright, translator and writer

Więcej o...
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Czech journalist, redactor and translator

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niemieckojęzyczny pisarz pochodzenia żydowskiego

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Czech poet, playwright, scriptwriter and writer (1926-2002)

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Czech poet, doctor, translator and writer (*1948)

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Czech member of Czech council, librettist, local politician and educator

Więcej o...

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