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Narozen 7.11.1876 v Trachtíně u Hustopečí, zemřel 23.4.1929 v Praze. Autor lidových sociálních dramat a próz, novinář, redaktor, osvětový(...)

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Czech playwright, humorist, literature historian, literature reviewer, educator and sexologist

Więcej o...
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Austrian economic historian and social historian

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Czech archivist and historian (1844-1910)

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Czech member of Czech council, attorney, publisher and publicist

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Czech educator, writer, editor and translator

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Czech botanist, professor and translator (1834-1902)

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Czech teacher and translator (1837-1895)

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German-Austrian historian, archivist, university lecturer and rector of the Charles University in Prague (1811–1897)

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Narozen 10.4.1854 v Jílovém u Prahy, zemřel 7.5.1926 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor v Praze, kulturní historik. Práce v oboru historie,(...)

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Czech mathematician and popular pedagogue at Charles University in Prague

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Czech attorney, collector and editor of folk tales

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