Czech philosopher, religion writer, professor, publicist, theologist and university educator
Więcej o...Narozen 1. 12. 1924 v Olomouci, zemřel 5. 2. 2010 v Brně. Novinář, pracovník katedry české a slovenské literatury, autor prací z oboru(...)
Więcej o...Czech graphic, illustrator, painter, professor, scenographer, university educator and graphic educator (1896-1986)
Więcej o...Czech poet, essayist, philosopher, professor, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest (1925-2004)
Więcej o...Narozena 20. 9. 1974 v Karviné. Bohemistka, vysokoškolská pedagožka antropologie sociálních služeb, sociální politiky a managementu neziskových(...)
Więcej o...Czechoslovak member of Czechoslovak national parliament, minister of public work, minister of health of the CR and german nation politician (1868-1938)
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